

Sandcastle Help File Builder (SHFB)

Building HTML Help 1 (chm) files

This output format is available only at Build in the Presentation style of VS2013.

⚠️ - Important hint on paths

If the path to the working directory contains a .h or .H the compilation with the HTML Help File Compiler throw warnings of not being HTML (HHC3004 : warning : AlertCaution.png : The HTML tag ... is not a valid HTML tag (it does not begin with an alphanumeric character)) for none HTML content and generates a bad *.chm file.

Getting around this, choose a project path without a .h or .H OR set a path in Paths / Output Paths / Help content output path relative or absolute from your project that don’t contains those character combination and let copy the result with the Output Deployment plugin to your project path.

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